The Future Realities Summit addresses VR and AR’s challenges and opportunities.
The first round of ads will provide feedback for future business partners, assuming it proves profitable enough.
The announcement has been met with near-universal negativity, with critics calling the move dangerous. VR analyst Lewis Ward weighs in on the controversial news.
Oculus says that Sanzaru will maintain its autonomy. Analysts praised the move as another smart decision following the acquisition of Beat Games.
Oculus hints it’s open to acquiring more developers, but is this the start of a build to a bigger first-party foundation? We ask analysts for their thoughts.
The chief technology officer isn’t leaving Oculus entirely as he’ll still be a “consulting CTO” for the VR company. (Image: Engadget)
Jessica Lindl, Unity’s global head of education, looks to increase the resources available to aspiring VR devs.
The standalone VR headset will get even better in 2020 as Oculus seeks to ‘reduce the barriers of entry to VR for people who may not be familiar or comfortable with gaming controllers.’
Nate Mitchell has left, marking the end of an era, as all the original Oculus leaders are no longer at the company.
Oculus Quest software sales have topped $5 million, with user resistance to VR dropping thanks to the Quest’s standalone form-factor.