In the current Web3 fever, a Pokemon-style browser game with an NFT business model feels like an inevitability.
Ampere Analysis research director Piers Harding-Rolls weighs in on the announcement and subsequent retraction of NFTs in GSC’s upcoming shooter.
Founding partner at Premack Rogers PLLC, Dan Lee Rogers, walks us through the implications of reselling digital games in a marketplace not really built for that kind of transaction. (Yet.)
Following the BGA Blockchain Games Day Mixer at GDC and a convention earlier this week in Paris, France, the BGA is encouraging blockchain game developers to join this new alliance.
The venture capital company will focus heavily on esports monetization platforms, VR/AR, and more.
The creation and sale of new cryptocurrency tokens will fund Planet Digital Partner’s first projects.
Mythical has landed $16M in funding from a blockchain firm, but CEO John Linden explained to GameDaily that this is “very much a gaming first and blockchain second proposition.” [UPDATE: First game revealed]